Saturday, March 15, 2014 by Amanda Cummings
Jane’s parents aren’t the only thing she has to worry about though. She has vampires and slayers out to get her, not to mention her wayward sire. The only one of her kind she’s met is a vampire under her elder’s control. Through their precarious friendship; she learns that she’s no ordinary vampire. Jane will never die and has no weakness except the sun. It’s also a nice bonus to have faster speed, strength, and the ability to turn into mist. With all these new talents, and adjusting to her new life, can Jane survive? She will need to figure out who her real enemies are and who to trust when her worst nightmare wants her help. Is her own life more important than family? Jane will have to find out along with the whole truth to her undead life.
I thought this was a crazy book, so much so that you can’t help but read the whole thing. Suspensful and humorous, it definitely doesn’t disappoint. Personally I enjoy a fantasy book and Fang Girls is a good one; it also has a good dose of horror and action.
Amanda Cummings is a sophomore and The Lightning Rod‘s book reviewer.