September 19, 2022 by Aditi Singh
Do you want to get involved in school, build up your extracurriculars for college applications, or just have fun and relax with people with similar interests? If so, you should look into the numerous clubs offered at SSHS! Here are just a few:
Class of 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026- Class officers run all of the class-related fundraisers and events for their specific class, and members help plan and prepare for them. With that being said, most of the events put on are open to the entire school. When an event is hosted by a specific class, that just means that a majority of the money raised will go toward the respective class’s junior and senior prom.

Class of 2024’s upcoming events and info:
- Goat yoga event for the class of 2024 Oct 16!
- Meetings are on the first and third Monday of every month, everyone is welcome
- Class of 2024 shirts will be being sold for 5$ apiece in A219 and B117. First come first serve!
- From Oct 3-21 there will be a “message your boo event” where students will be able to send an anonymous message along with a small bag of candy for one dollar a piece, these will be delivered during flex from the 24th to the 28th.
The Lightning Rod (school newspaper and our favorite club at SSHS)- If you love writing and reporting, this is the club for you! We are open to any student with an interest in writing, reporting, photography, and/or graphic layout. The Rod reports on life at SSHS and throughout our greater community.. Writers get to choose whatever they want to write about (as long as they get Editor approval) in a laidback and collaborative environment. We meet Mondays after school in B115, follow our Instagram @togalightningrod for more info!

Cave Club- Are you interested in exploring caves and going on fun trips? Then join Cave Spelunking Club! Cave club explores local caves that are not open to the public. Their first caving trip is on September 24th, and they have more fun adventures planned! If you would like to come, stop by G124 for a permission slip. Cave Club meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Find them on Instagram @sshscave club and join our Remind with code @spelunki.
Drama club- The drama club puts on two productions each year–a play and a spring musical. Students are able to learn about and participate in both the performance and production sides of live theatre, with no prior experience required. Come join a welcoming and supportive community and help them put on a great show!
Mock Trial- Joining Mock Trial is great practice for working in a team environment and developing critical thinking and debating skills. Mock Trial members team up to analyze and create a case for both the defense and prosecution and then compete against local schools in weekly trials. Members have a chance to participate as lawyers or witnesses. Mock Trial members spend lots of time rehearsing and making sure they know the facts of the case and the procedures for each trial.
Mock Trial President Jade Helal said, “Last year our SSHS Mock Trial team won county finals for the first time since 2011. We would love more potential members!” Follow @togamocktrial on Instagram for more information.

Young democrats- Young Democrats Club is a welcoming environment for students to come debate, discuss, and learn about politics and current events!
“We have been fortunate enough to collaborate with local politicians and national organizations to help better our community,” said club President Ciara Meyer. “Last year, we met with Saratoga Springs Commissioner of Finance Minita Sanghvi and PEN America, and this year we aim to work with even more external organizations.”
Young Democrats meets every Friday and their advisor this year is Mr. Deady. Join their Remind at @SSHSDems for updates and follow them on Instagram @SSHSDems for more information!
Teenage Republicans (TARS)- TARS aims to help students gain educational experience in politics and serve their communities. The club advisor is Ashley Schorpp, and you can find them at @sshsteenagerepublicans on Instagram.
Academic Team- If you enjoy watching Jeopardy, are up to date with world events, or like general knowledge, the SSHS Academic Team is for you! The SSHS Academic Team includes students from all grades and competes in quiz bowl competitions in the Saratoga area. Practices are Mondays and Thursdays after school in B120, and the club advisors are Mrs. Gebhard and Mr. Kats.
Future Leaders of Medicine (HOSA)- Future Leaders of Medicine is perfect for students who are interested in a possible career in the medical field including but not limited to, nurses, doctors, physician assistants, and phlebotomists. They host speakers from various health professions and raise awareness for diseases and disorders through fun activities. They are advertised as HOSA and their club advisor is Mrs. Jordy. Follow them @togamedclub for more information!
Move Dance Club- Do you enjoy dancing? This club offers free Hip-Hop classes for students who love to move. They bring in a professional hip-hop choreographer to teach each class, and welcome dancers of all ability levels. Their club advisor is Kendra Astemborski.
Saratoga Naturalists and Outing Club- Are you passionate about the environment and would like to promote environmental awareness in the school and the local community? Join Saratoga Naturalists to make a difference! In addition to maintaining a building-wide recycling program, the Naturalists go on seasonal field trips including day hikes, museum tours, and visits to environmentally friendly communities. Their club advisor is Lisa DeLano.
Educating Young Engineers- Share your love of engineering with today’s youth! This club gives high school students interested in engineering the opportunity to introduce younger students to engineering through fun programs and activities that they create. Students can earn volunteer hours through participation at E.Y.E events. The club advisor is Mr. Gallagher, go to @educatingyoungengineers on Instagram for more information.
Key Club- Looking for ways to help the community and gain volunteering hours? Join Key Club! They are a student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to perform service, build character and develop leadership skills. Come to their meetings after school on Thursdays in the chorus room! Follow their Instagram for more info @keyclubsaratoga.
ROTC- If you’re interested in having a career in the military, this club is for you.
In a statement to the Lightning Rod, ROTC wrote, “We teach good citizenship and dedication. Additionally, we offer support to those interested in joining the military. Club activities include but are not limited to collections and donations for active military or retired military, letter writing to military service members, exposure to resources that focus on physical activity, drilling and ceremony exercises, physical exercise, holistic health, and fitness.” Their club advisor is Colleen Sanita.