October 17, 2022 by Hailey Kopraski ’23
Maybe this has to do with the fact that October is my favorite month or that I am in fact a Libra…but I personally believe that Libra season is very spectacular, as Librans are quite extraordinary. The reality of astrology and the Zodiac has been an ongoing debate, but regardless of what side you fall on, here is an inside scoop into life through the eyes of a Libra.

Librans are typically social and outgoing people who heavily prioritize their friendships and relationships. Their most common strengths are that they are very kind, compassionate, open-minded, considerate, and peaceful people. Their most common weakness is that they tend to be indecisive. Their values of balance and fairness can make decisions quite difficult! The majority of Librans also like to avoid conflict, which can be good but also means they put their own needs last in many situations.
The Libra zodiac sign is the only one represented by an inanimate object: scales to represent balance. Michael Briscoe (Libra) said, “when things are balanced and fair it makes everything more enjoyable, and even if you’re not the best at something you can have a chance at success.”

Leydon Hemsworth (Libra) agreed, saying, “I definitely like things to be balanced.” Additionally, Ava Ginley (Libra) says, “I do like things to be balanced and fair. My most angry moments have been from unfairness, especially with money.” Equilibrium is very significant in the lives of Librans.
Having balance as a key component in the lives of Librans is great, however, it can make decision-making really difficult at times, since it is a struggle to “weigh” out your different choices and their outcomes. Ginley considers herself to be very indecisive. She says, “when I am picking an ice cream or food to eat, I have to imagine myself eating each one.”
Even the littlest things like what ice cream flavor to eat can become so complicated in the minds of a Libra. As a Libra myself, I would also consider myself to be indecisive. I can never choose what to eat, where to eat, what to do, what to watch, when to go somewhere…the list goes on!
The way Librans specifically deal with conflict can vary; however, it usually involves the Libra not being the confronter, but instead the over-analyzer.
Hemsworth said, “I would say I don’t like conflict but have no problem dealing with it if I need to. I would like to think I’m cool-headed when dealing with it and end up trying to rationalize things…sometimes overthinking it.”

Overthinking things is something that many Librans do–again rooted in their key value of balance. Ginley says, “I handle conflict by thinking about every possible scenario in my head until I either find a solution or realize it doesn’t matter.”
Another trait that many Librans have is being friendly, social, fun, and extroverted people. Briscoe says, “I would say for the most part I’m pretty extroverted and social. I usually will make remarks or talk to random people at things like track meets or concerts.”

Personally, I also consider myself to be an extroverted person. I will randomly start conversations with people I’ve never met in my life, and, even in public, I love to dance! Everywhere I go! Even though not every Libra is extroverted, the majority of Librans–even introverts–are considered “cozy” and approachable people who are easy to talk to even if they don’t initiate it.
Although Librans have many similar characteristics and personality traits, their passions and hobbies can vary depending on the person. Hemsworth loves to read, snowboard, hike, and swim, whereas Briscoe loves to listen to music, play video games, work out, and play the piano. Ginley loves to draw, read, and watch TV (“I can’t pick one,” says Ginley). My favorite things to do in my free time are to hang out with friends, listen to music, dance, watch TV, and play sports.
There is a long list of famous Libras, whose personalities can give insight into what life as a Libra is truly like. Some of the most famous Librans are Will Smith, Matt Damon, Zac Effron, Bruce Springsteen, Snoop Dogg, Doja Cat, Serena Williams, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jenna Ortega, and Hilary Duff.
Even though not every trait is the same for every Libran, there are several characteristics that we share in common! Being a Libra each and every day is a great honor that I bear with great joy and happiness.
Stay tuned for monthly zodiac discussions with Horoscope Hailz!