January 17, 2023 by Hailey Kopraski (’23)
The holidays have come and gone, the new year has begun, and Capricorn season is now in full swing!

Capricorns are known as the “ultimate worker bees” and are typically very ambitious and goal driven. Their most common strengths are that they are very responsible and reliable people who value your time and give great advice. Their most common weaknesses show through in their impatience and resistance to change. They are accustomed to an organized routine that they don’t like to tamper with. Capricorns are another very misunderstood zodiac, much like Scorpios, because they can be so realistic that they come across as discouraged or sarcastic. However, it’s just their way of trying to minimize failure.
Lucia Birnby, an SSHS Capricorn, said, “I would call myself more of a perfectionist rather than hardworking because if I don’t think I can do something right the first time I won’t do it at all.” Perfectionism tends to be a trait that many Capricorns display. Their hardworking characteristics can even be portrayed as overachieving at times, due to the high standards they set for themselves. Capricorn Phoebe Akaka supports this idea, as she considers herself to be a hardworking overachiever. She said, “I believe I set expectations for myself maybe sometimes too high.”

Due to their organization and good work ethic, Capricorns tend to be considered “the responsible friends.” Birnby agrees, and said, “I feel like I tend to find myself thinking when decisions are the smartest and also being like a ‘mediator’ type within my friend group.” If you are looking for someone to turn to for help, Capricorns are at many times a great option!
Although Capricorns are considered more practical than other zodiac signs, not every Capricorn agrees with that. Nick Generoso, another Capricorn, said in reference to being practical, “no, I’m definitely not.” However, on the contrary, Akaka said, “Yes I am very practical.” Birnby said, “I think about every possible outcome of scenario ever which I feel like isn’t very practical of me.”

Another trait that many Capricorns have, stemming from their responsibility, is being goal-oriented and ambitious. Birnby said, “I do think I am ambitious, but only if I’m passionate about something.” Akaka said, “50/50. Depends on the situation. I would like to think so, but sometimes I also can be shy.” Generoso, ever the outlier, does not really find himself to be particularly aspirational.
Although Capricorns have many similar characteristics and personality traits, they also have their differences. Their hobbies can vary depending on the person. Akaka loves to sleep and crochet blankets “like a little grandma”, whereas Birnby loves to play music and read, and Generoso loves to hang out with friends.
There is a long list of esteemed Capricorns, whose personalities give insight into the true life of a Capricorn. Some of the most famous Capricorns are Liam Hemsworth, LeBron James, Bradley Cooper, Timothee Chalamet, Michelle Obama, Zooey Deschanel, Kate Middleton, and Betty White.
Despite their commonalities, Akaka, Birnby, and Generoso (alongside White, Obama, and Chalamet) truly demonstrate that each Capricorn is their own individual–unique, dynamic, and (sometimes, only sometimes) ambitious.
Stay tuned for next edition’s zodiac discussion on Aquariuses!