March 13, 2023 by Francisca Schmalz (‘24)

From March 16th to March 18th the Saratoga Springs High School Drama Club is performing Mamma Mia, a classic musical featuring top hits from the band ABBA. The cast and crew have been working for months and it’s clearly paid off–the cast of Mamma Mia has gotten very close during their rehearsals, and that bond is apparent on stage, especially amongst the leads of the show. Even in just a snippet of Money, Money, Money, everyone was working like parts of a machine, working to create the beauty of Mamma Mia, and watching Julia Mittler, Ainsley Martell, and Maddie Cook come on stage was something enchanting. It’s clear the cast is very focused and driven, working hard to put on what should be an incredible production. The cast of Mamma Mia was more than willing to give us an inside look into their production process.

What was the rehearsal process like for you?
Abby DeGregory (Sophie): “The rehearsal process was one of the most fun I’ve ever had. The whole cast is so fun and supportive of each other. It’s always a joy to come to rehearsal because everyone is so positive and so happy to be here and to see each other. Everyone has been working their hardest that they can to make the show as good as possible.”
What are you most excited for the show?
Ainsley Martell (Donna): “I would say I’m most excited for the community aspect of the show. For it to come on stage and for people to see this little community we’ve developed, along with being able to watch our characters come on stage and come to life.”

What lessons have you taken away from the show?
Max Mittler (Harry): “Hard work can really make a show amazing, and hard work will always pay off in the end.”
What was the hardest part of the show?
Peter Brueggemann (Sam): “The hardest part for me was the schedule. It’s been very time consuming and more rigorous than most clubs. The last two months it’s like five hours of rehearsal, six days a week. It’s hard to balance that with school and everything else in our lives.”
How do you connect to your character and why?
Julia Mittler (Rosie): “I connect to Rosie because she’s very carefree. She doesn’t really care what others think. She very loyal to her friends, and she loves seeing the world and traveling. She doesn’t want to be held down by anything especially a partner.”
If you could play another part, what part?

John Vilca (Sky): “Sam. He’s in a lot of the numbers and he seems fun to play. The girl who plays Donna, I already know, and the chemistry would’ve already been there. However, I am happy with the role I have, and am already in character. I’m having so much fun playing Sky and couldn’t see myself not playing him.”
Most enjoyable number of the show?
Entire cast: “Waterloo is the 3rd encore after bows and it’s very enjoyable because we know we’re in the home stretch and it signifies almost being done.”
Favorite Costume?
Maddie Cook (Tanya): “Super Troupers because it was custom and handmade. It’s shiny- “
Abby DeGregory (Sophie); “and it’s like a traditional ABBA look.”
Cook: “ and I get to wear super pretty jewelry.”