May 24, 2023 by Hailey Kopraski (‘23)
The end of the school year is approaching during the season of Taurus. April 20th and May 20th mark the start and end of the great Taurus season.

Tauruses are known for their dedication to the things they do and people around them, and they have a strong desire for stability. Their most common strengths are their reliability and loyalty, which make them very down-to-earth and great people to go to for advice. Their most common weaknesses are their short tempers that can make it harder to adjust or accept different points of view.
The short temper of a Taurus can be tied into the stubbornness that is also portrayed through them. Ciara Meyer, a Saratoga Springs High School student and editor of the Rod, said, “I am literally the most stubborn person I know. I used to be told I would make a good lawyer, which was just old people’s nice way of telling me I was too argumentative and stuck in my ways…I think being stubborn is a blessing and a curse, because it enables me to stay true to my values and determined when working towards a goal, but I can sometimes be a bit too resistant towards change.” The resistance to change plays a big role in the liking of stability for many Tauruses. Taurus Katie Prostick agreed and said, “I’m very stubborn, especially when people don’t agree with me. Trying to work on that!” I respect the effort to grow. Taurus Gordon Murray also finds himself to be stubborn “…if I really care about something.”

Their sense of stubbornness does play a role in the independence that is wanted in many Tauruses. Taurus Derick Cheney said, “From a young age I’ve been very independent and responsible, at least most of the time.” Prostick lives for her independence saying, “the less people around me the better.” Meyer very much considers herself to be very independent and said, “I sometimes get mad when people give me unsolicited advice or help because I find it easier to do things by myself. When it comes to work, I like to do things solo or with a lot of autonomy.”
Independence can be seen negatively at times but is often a positive trait to obtain and is what keeps many Tauruses more grounded. Meyer likes to think of herself as grounded and said, “I tend to be pretty practical and I work towards my lofty ambitions and dreams in a more pragmatic, planned out way. I’d like to think I keep my feet on the ground even when my head strays into the clouds.” Beautiful quote spoken by editor Meyer herself. Murray, Cheney, and Prostick also agree as well in considering themselves fairly grounded individuals.

The sense of being grounded coincides with the practice of patience that is seen in a lot of Tauruses. Cheney said, “I find myself super patient in a lot of situations.” Murray agrees, however Prostick and Meyer have altering opinions. Prostick said, “I think I can be patient, but I definitely struggle with it and can get irritated.” Meyer had a similar stance on this matter saying, “I’m patient with little kids and elderly people, but less so with folks my own age.” This goes to show that just because certain traits are found more in Taureses doesn’t mean that every Taurus obtains them.

Although Tauruses have many similar characteristics and personality traits, they also have their distinctions. Their favorite hobbies can vary depending on the person. Cheney loves to hang out with friends and family whereas Prostick loves getting outside and enjoying nature. Murray enjoys listening to music alone whereas Meyer loves scrapbooking, reading, binge watching TV shows and movies, and “grabbing a coffee to watch the ducks downtown.”
There is a long list of well-known Tauruses whose personalities give insight into what life as a Taurus is truly like. Some of the most famous Tauruses are Adele, Gigi Hadid, Cher, Janet Jackson, Robert Pattinson, Channing Tatum, Stevie Wonder, and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson. And although they share many similarities, our favorite celebrities, Cheney, Meyer, Murray, and Prostick also have differences that make them the unique strong-willed people that they are to this day.
Stay tuned for the next edition’s zodiac discussion on Geminis!