June 12, 2023 by Hailey Kopraski (‘23)
As the year comes to a close, I can’t neglect the summer signs. Geminis, Cancers, and Leos celebrate their zodiac seasons while Saratoga Springs High School (SSHS) students are enjoying their vacations, but I wanted to give them their fanfare before the year ends.
Gemini season has begun and is marked from the 21st of May to 21st of June. Geminis most common strengths are that they are very adaptable and outgoing. Their most common weaknesses are that they can be indecisive and can be contradictory to their own statements.

Geminis tend to have a very extroverted nature. Jeannie Jerome (SSHS Gemini) said, “I would say that I am pretty outgoing. I enjoy meeting new people and being around people. When I am with people, I am usually confident in my personality and actions. The extroverted part of geminis ties into their good communication skills. Jerome said, “I communicate best with people in person while sometimes it is difficult to connect with people over text. I always advocate for myself and others and I love to talk to people so I think I am pretty communicative.”
Jerome’s favorite thing to do in her free time is being surrounded by the people she loves whether it’s playing volleyball, swimming, or even just having dinner. Beyond Jerome, there is a long list of well known Geminis whose personalities give insight into what life as a Gemini is truly like. Some of the most famous are Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman, Chris Evans, Kendrick Lamar, and Johnny Depp.
As for Cancers, their season begins on June 21st and ends on July 21st. The most common strengths for Cancers are their enthusiasm and passion. Their most common weakness is that their passion can be overpowering at times and cause them to hold grudges.
The passion in Cancers drives them to be very emotional. Olivia Zebrowski (SSHS Cancer) said, “I am emotional. The way the wind blows, the way the waves wave. I tend to put my heart into everything I do. I’ve been told a bunch that my emotions are very visible. I wear my heart on my sleeve.”

Their emotions can be very strong and that ties into their compassionate and caring nature. Zebrowski stated, “I care about everything and it kills me! But I care a lot and I care very deeply. I care about everything and everyone.”
Zebrowski’s favorite thing to do in her free time is to read and sit by the lake near her house and swim.
Alongside Zebrowski, there is a long list of well known Cancers whose personalities give insight into what life as a Cancer is truly like. Some of the most prominent ones are Selena Gomez. Lana Del Ray, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Elon Musk, and Tom Hanks.
The last purely summer sign is Leo, whose season is marked from July 23 to August 23. Leos’ most common strengths are featured in their determination and self-confidence. Their most common weaknesses can be portrayed in their stubbornness and boldness.
The determination in a Leo drives the ambition that is also within them. Ella Perrault (SSHS Leo) said, “in a lot of situations I am extremely ambitious. I am also very stubborn too which makes my will to succeed heightened. I love to see myself do well in things and I don’t care the cost. I am determined to get it right even if it takes forever. “ Now that is truly perseverance.

Their persistence can also coincide with their enthusiasm. Perrault stayed, “I would see myself as enthusiastic especially around other people. Being around others always brings my energy up. I’m loud and energetic and I’m always a half glass full type person. “
Perrault’s favorite thing to do in her free time is go to the gym and hangout with her friends and boyfriend. Outside of Perrault, there is a long list of well known Leos whose personalities give insight into what life as a Leo is truly like. Some of the most popular include Madonna, Jennifer Lopez,Whitney Houston, Barack Obama, Chris Hemsworth, and Daniel Radcliffe.
It has been my great pleasure to be Horoscope Hailz for this year’s The Rod. Thank you.