January 18, 2024 by Cassie Child (‘24)

Tex and Maggie
Owner: The Rod’s Managing Editor, Darren Pasek!
Age: Tex is 11, Maggie is 10
Fun facts: Tex doesn’t like the water, nor does he like being outside the house, but he does like to run around the backyard. Maggie likes to sing instead of bark!

Owner: The Rod’s Editor-in-Chief, Eliza Krackeler!
Age: 6
Fun facts: Poppy loves treats, stealing your chair, and hates lettuce and hugs!

Owner: The Rod’s Head Photographer, Olivia Tuck!
Fun facts: Pete loves sleeping and chasing his toy mice around but hates high pitched noises and being bothered!

Dwayne the Rock
Owner: The Rod’s Graphics Editor, Olivia Clemmensen!
Age: 500 million
Fun facts: Dwayne was rescued from a park in Colorado by Olivia’s family in 2023! He was stopped and inspected by Colorado airport security and Olivia almost thought she would lose him to the trash can. But luckily he made it through! He enjoys sitting on the Clemmensen’s side table in their living room and is a great conversation starter.

Bert the ball
Owner: The Rod’s Treasurer, Aditi Singh!
Fun facts: Bert loves reading, sleeping, listening to music and painting!
If you would like your pet to be the pet of the week, send 3 pictures to cchild@sscsd.net with name, age, a short list of hobbies, and pet peeves!