A Senior Reflection: Mattie Delaney

June 13, 2024 by Mattie Delaney (‘24)

A question I get asked quite frequently is “Are you going to miss school?” and my response is always, “Yes.” They look at me like I’m crazy, and ask why. I tell them, “We’re never going to have something like this ever again in our entire lives. There is never going to be another time when we get in trouble because we are not where we were supposed to be. The structure that we have here is once in a lifetime. There is truly no one that cares more about you and your well-being than your teachers, aside from your parents and caretakers of course. They will do everything in their power to help you get through what you are going through, and they reassure you that you are going to do amazing things in this world, but it all starts with you and your attitude towards how you look at life and what you want to take from it.  
School has not always been my strong suit, and I have not always appreciated it because it was a “burden” to my day to day—having to wake up in the morning just to have to go to school for 6 hours of my day or having to do the work I just did not want to do simply because I was just not interested in it. Obviously, I cannot change how it went but if I did anything differently, I would have put more effort in and tried to appreciate it. I might have actually taken the time to do my work and to accept the help that was being thrown my way. So, if anyone is still suffering through high school like I was, don’t wish it away. Yes, it sucks, but it all goes so fast if feels like it happened in a blink of an eye. And then boom, adulthood, just like that. It’s almost hard to grasp. 

Lastly, I would just like to take a minute to thank each and every one of my teachers who helped me and made sure that I walk the stage. If it weren’t for you guys, I would probably not be here today. So, thank you. Thank you for pushing me through and for being a part of turning me into who I am today. 

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