Grad Speaker Highlight: Matthew Digeso

June 13, 2024 by Francisca Schmalz (‘24)

Matthew Digeso has been an attentive voice for the class of 2024 all four years of high school. He has served as the class president since his freshman year of high school. He’s been a consistent leader for the class of 2024 by leaving behind a legacy of hard work and dedication. Digeso described his role as class president when he said, “I felt like I took a more active role than previous class presidents who usually stick with the normal route of prom and class events, but I tried to push for change.” He has not only dedicated countless hours to his class but made sure he left the school a better place for all future classes.

Digeso not only served as the president for class of 2024, but as NHS and Spanish NHS president. Outside of his leadership roles, he rows six days a week with the Saratoga Rowing Association, which he says goes from 3 to 6 after school. Digeso considers rowing to be his biggest time commitment outside of school and his leadership roles. He also enjoys watching film and television and is currently a big fan of the Marvel Universe and reality shows like Survivor. 

As his four years as class president comes to an end, Digeso has some advice for those getting involved in class council. He suggests being more active when it comes to a presidential role. Try to cause good change for the benefit of the class, while also making sure your heart isn’t just doing it for college or popularity. He advised that creating change should be your main role as president. He defined leadership as the ability to inspire others to act.

After graduation, Digeso plans to continue his studies at the University of Notre Dame. His involvement in student council has given him a chance to express himself and learn how to public speak. It allowed him to turn into a confident and extroverted person, which allows him to easily communicate with others. 

When looking back at this past year, his favorite memory overall was the end of the AP exams for the seniors. He said that it was nice to know that all of the weight of high school was finally over, and it was nice to see that all the work from the last four years was finally complete and there would be a nice break before college. From all of high school, Digeso’s favorite memory was junior prom, because it was nice to see all the work the class council put into prom finally be shown off to the class of 2024. 

With regards to his graduation speech, Digeso found inspiration in the success of the class of 2024. Considering it’s a smaller class he exclaimed being impressed by all they have achieved despite their size. Writing the speech for Digeso has been partially difficult in terms of finding the correct events to write about, and including the right phrasings so everyone is able to relate to his speech and not just a limited group of people. He wants to make sure its engaging, while also keeping it brief. In his final words to the class of 2024, he said, “You attended Saratoga Springs High School for four years; however, we are a part of this community forever. Don’t forget to come back, visit, help students, and give back to the community that has supported you.”

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