Senior Year Conclusion: From Some of the 2024 Seniors

June 13, 2024 by Maya Cassia (‘25)

As the final chapter of high school unfolds, seniors at Saratoga Springs High School are gearing up for a memorable end to their academic journey.

“I remember when Covid hit and everything shut down, experiencing freshman year like that made everything go by so much quicker and I can’t believe it’s all over in a month,” said senior Ava Marcolin.

When Covid hit 4 years ago, we never would have guessed it would’ve been as big as it was, and once we blinked it was already senior year. Since the class of 2024 didn’t have a real freshman year, it was different for them to experience because high school was only three years.

Senior Julia Mittler said, “I feel like we missed out on so much of freshman year due to Covid. It feels like the rest of high school flew by because we really only had 3 years. It just went by so much quicker than I thought it would.”

With one more day of classes, and all the final projects (hopefully) finished, we are getting ready to go on our separate ways, whether that’s college or work. The seniors of 2024 have come a long way, and they will accomplish great things. 

Senior Elliot Messier said, “I feel as if the days were long, but the years flew by. To be graduating in a month is honestly such a blessing. When I truly reflect, high school sucked. I’m excited to be able to choose my own environments and circles and become a truer version of myself.”

Over these 13 years of education, we have met people we will remember for the rest of our lives, like teachers, friends, and principals. These are the people who have impacted us in unimaginable ways. We have all lost friends and gained new ones. We have all grown so much, and we will continue to. 

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