November 11, 2024 by Ava Tatum (‘25)
Moving from Las Vegas to Saratoga hasn’t been easy, but meeting new people, teachers and balancing the workload isn’t too difficult for me, it’s the fashion I’m worried about. Vegas winters only require a light jacket here and there, maybe mittens if you’re getting fancy. But what are the students of Saratoga wearing? That’s what I tried to find out last week by talking to different students about their fashion choices and inspirations. Maybe this article will inspire you to develop a different style or work a little harder on your outfits too!

Esther Coffin, (25’)
Who/what inspires your style?
Growing up my parents were very conservative, my dad was very much “girls should be modest”, so as I grew up, I wanted to get away from that kind of thing and change it up!
Describe your style in 3 words
Unique, Vintage, Y2K
[Q] Do you prefer thrifting, retail, or online shopping, and why?
[A] Definitely thrifting, for one it saves the environment, you’re not buying new clothes from fast fashion places. You also get to reuse and upcycle clothing and vintage clothes are so much better quality anyways. Everything made nowadays is so cheap. It also saves me a lot of money.
[Q] What is your favorite season for shopping, and why?
[A] I love fall, I’m a very cool toned person. Fall is my colors, the weather is perfect, and I don’t like to show off too much skin, so the long sleeves and jeans are great.
[Q] What fashion trend do you wish made a comeback?
[A] Low-rise jeans and flared jeans. Longer shirts need to come back, most people that I see coming into school are basically wearing sports bras and I personally like long fitted shirts and V-necks.
[Q] What advice would you give to someone who is developing their style?
[A] Be different, don’t be afraid to be that person who goes out and tries something new. Be yourself- if you like it, don’t worry about what other people think about it.

Jo Wilt, (25’)
[Q] Who/what inspires your style?
[A] Probably Stevie Nicks, I like her style. Just myself though, I really just wear what I want, you know?
[Q] Describe your style in 3 words
[A] Super. Freaking. Cool.
[Q] Do you prefer thrifting, retail, or online shopping, and why?
[A] Thrifting because it’s cheap and it makes me different.
[Q] What is your favorite season for shopping, and why?
[A] Fall, it’s awesome. It’s just my favorite season in general.
[Q] What fashion trend do you wish made a comeback?
[A] I don’t know a lot about fashion or fashion trends, I don’t really follow it too well.
[Q] What advice would you give to someone who is developing their style?
[A] Just be yourself, just do what you think is cool and don’t just follow the trends.

Makari Novick, (26’)
[Q] Who/what inspires your style?
[A] Just TikTok and my friends.
[Q] Describe your style in 3 words
[A] Cool, Simple, Baggy
[Q] Do you prefer thrifting, retail, or online shopping, and why?
[A] Thrifting because it adds character when your clothes are a bit more beaten up. I like it when things are a little more ripped, especially when they’re sewn back together, I think that adds so much.
[Q] What is your favorite season for shopping, and why?
[A] Fall, easily. It’s the best because it’s not too cool but not too warm and you don’t have to layer up a ton.
[Q] What fashion trend do you wish made a comeback?
[A] I don’t know, I kind of like what’s around. 80s and 90s stuff is right around where I like my style.
[Q] What advice would you give to someone who is developing their style?
[A] Steal your parents’ clothes, it’s very easy to start by taking your mom or dad’s clothes, really anything that’s big or baggy in my opinion.

Joseph Dedona, (25’)
[Q] Who/what inspires your style?
[A] My style is inspired by the early 2000s and my dad specifically.
[Q] Describe your style in 3 words
[A] Vintage, Comfortable, Earthtone
[Q] Do you prefer thrifting, retail, or online shopping, and why?
[A] Online and thrifting opposed to regular stores because I feel like the clothes that get put into thrift stores are generally cheaper and older, so I get to feel the pleasure of reusing someone else’s clothes. So, it’s like I’m recycling in a way that hopefully helps the environment, and online shopping is nice because you can find anything you want online.
[Q] What is your favorite season for shopping, and why?
[A] Fall, 100%, I love the colors of fall, I think everything goes along with it really well.
[Q] What fashion trend do you wish made a comeback?
[A] Y2K.
[Q] What advice would you give to someone who is developing their style?
[A] Do what you want, your style is unique to you, please don’t be afraid to go into a thrift store or look online for anything you want, just do anything that you think looks nice and feels good.

Kim Foehser, (25’)
[Q] Who/what inspires your style?
[A] I really like 2000s style a lot, Gilmore Girls is my favorite show, and I also really like the hippie, indie style, and stuff like that.
[Q] Describe your style in 3 words
[A] Comfortable, Colorful, Artsy
[Q] Do you prefer thrifting, retail, or online shopping, and why?
[A] Thrift stores, because as I mentioned before I like the early 2000s and it’s just a lot cheaper than buying new stuff, plus it’s a lot better for the environment.
[Q] What is your favorite season for shopping, and why?
[A] Fall, I love fall fashion, but I also really love summer because I get to wear crop tops and cute little shorts and stuff.
[Q] What fashion trend do you wish made a comeback?
[A] I’m not really up with fashion trends, probably pajama day at school. That needs to make a comeback, everyday should be pajama day.
[Q] What advice would you give to someone who is developing their style?
[A] Instead of worrying about piecing together outfits, just go and buy stuff that you like and then you’ll see your own style start to flow from that. Instead of just being like “this person wore this now I have to buy it,” just buy what you’re drawn to and then if it doesn’t work out just donate it.