November 25, 2024 by Emma Gowen (‘25)
In the lead up to Thanksgiving on November 28th, The Rod sent out a survey to learn more about how Saratoga Springs High School’s student body gives thanks. Between the Macy’s Day Parade, feasting on delicious food, and just being grateful for friends and family, SSHS students sure know how to celebrate!
Whether traveling or hosting, one of the best parts of Thanksgiving is getting together with family to reminisce on the year and share what you’re most grateful for. However, SSHS students are split in their responses to the question: What are their Thanksgiving plans for this year? Our survey-with over 100 contributors-,collected data saying that 58% of students are hosting their families while the other 42% are traveling to celebrate. The staff at The Rod hope that the cooking goes smoothly and wish everyone safe travels!
Along with all the feasting and family, many students plan to gather around the television and watch, as this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Only 17% of students surveyed said they did not plan to watch this seemingly popular tradition. Others were confident they would be and some even referenced it as their favorite Thanksgiving Day tradition. Stay tuned for our staff’s favorite balloons!
Now, for arguably the most important part of Thanksgiving… the food! Gathering around the table is an integral part of the holiday where many students say they share what they are most thankful for. We asked the students to rank nine popular Thanksgiving foods to declare their top three. In third place… the main meat of the night and center of it all, turkey! In second place… bread rolls! And in first place… mashed potatoes!
Students also shared their own personal traditions with us and there is certainly a big variety. The classic traditions like football and making all the dishes were prominent but there were also more specific ones. Students look forward to watching movies including Harry Potter, Krampus and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Others who celebrate Christmas are excited to kick start the holiday cheer that begins right after and even set up their tree that day!
No matter what the traditions are or how you and your family celebrate, all of us at The Rod wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and want to express thanks to our readers and especially those 115 students who participated in our survey!

(Diagrams made with the help of