BOOK REVIEW: Once In a Full Moon by Ellen Schreiber

Saturday, March 29, 2014 by Amanda Cummings


Ellen Schreiber is a well-known author and is the writer of my favorite series Vampire Kisses, but this is not a story about vampires. “Once in a Full Moon” follows Celeste Parker as she finds herself living the wives tale of Legends Run. Legends Run is the setting of a legend about a werewolf from the 1900s, one that during the day was a man from town among terrified people, fearing for their lives. Every month during the full moon he would transform and was never caught. The legend states that through his descendants the werewolf still resides in Legends Run and can be heard during the full moon. Celeste doesn’t believe anything she can’t see but out in the woods of Legends Run she is less certain.

One night she is out with her friends during the full moon, where they cannot be heard. As she ponders what to do so late at night there is a lone howl in the distance, just as her friend Nash goes missing. Her friends follow her hurried steps and eventually make their way to the car. Celeste doesn’t know what’s truth and what’s legend but when the new student Brandon Maddox arrives, everything changes. She knows Brandon as a popular, enigmatic person who just happens to hang out in the most unlikely places. Celeste sees something a little crazy when she visits with a psychic and finds herself getting in more dangerous situations if she keeps hanging around with the new student. Who should she believe: her friends or someone she barely knows, who has a dark secret of his own? When Celeste finds out, can she accept him or just become another victim of Legends Run?

“Once in a Full Moon” is a dynamic book that touches on the supernatural. Like Schreiber’s other books there is a lot of adventure and mystery. This book takes you through the history of Legends Run and gets the reader interested in other legends that could be real as well. Look some up and you just might be surprised.

Amanda Cummings is a sophomore and The Lightning Rod‘s book reviewer.

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