Wednesday, March 12, 2014 by Sam Geils and Sam Estano

At 2:15 p.m. students of Saratoga Springs High School were released early from school to ensure every student would arrive home safely. The road conditions today are the major issue for Saratogians making the commute home.
“I think it’s smart of them to have students released earlier, but I think that the release time should be even earlier due to the terrible conditions of the roads and the inexperience of many new drivers,” said Sammie Clemmey, a junior at the high school.
This is the second early dismissal of the school year due to weather. On Febuary 13th, students of the Saratoga Springs City School District were dismissed at 10:30 am due to extreme snow conditions.
“I get excited for early release from school; we always hope for more time off of school even if it means the weather conditions are poor,” said Sabrina Herlick ’15.
Sam Ralbovsky ’15 was also thrilled with all of the snow. “I’m excited if the snow stays,” he said. “I’m headed to Sugarbush on Sunday to ski, so I’m hoping for a lot of snow.”
Some other Saratogians weren’t as pleased. Colleen Belanger, a P.E. coach at the high school, wasn’t happy with the new snow fall.
“It is gross,” said Belanger. “It’s too bad because I like winter, and I like to do winter
activities, but I think a lot of people are ready for spring.” Belanger also had a car accident
earlier this year which really made her not appreciate driving in the snow.
Snow days have always been part of the excitement of winter for students, but at a certain point the snow becomes a danger for transportation.
As of today, March 12, 2014, the snowfall has increased and the chance of precipitation has reached 100 percent. Until earlier today, the chance of snow was minimum and at a low scale.
Sam Geils and Sam Estano are students in the high school journalism class.