
Discover your place in the stars with Hailey Kopraski, our resident amateur astrological guru. Hailey is a libra and this is her first year writing for The Lightning Rod. She loves all things zodiac, penguins, and hanging out with her friends.

Horoscope Hailz: In The Eyes of…All the Summer Signs?

June 12, 2023  by Hailey Kopraski (‘23) As the year comes to a close, I can’t neglect the summer signs. Geminis, Cancers, and Leos celebrate their zodiac seasons while Saratoga Springs High School (SSHS) students are enjoying their vacations, but I wanted to give them their fanfare before the year ends. Gemini season has begun […]

Horoscope Hailz: In The Eyes of…All the Summer Signs? Read More »